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Social Media Management


How to use social media for employer branding in the Hungarian market with 7.2 million active users – a user base growing from year to year? Considering that nearly 30% of potential applicants use social media for job searches (source: Randstad), and even more form an opinion on your company based on their impression from social channels before applying, you certainly will think twice before creating your employer messages!

In our approach, social media management means using a meaningful content structure across different platforms to engage and recruit candidates while presenting and strengthening the employer brand in all its diversity. Social presence starts with a well-founded strategy. This includes analysing the company’s existing platforms and competitor activity, supporting channel selection with an expert eye and up-to-date research data, and launching or redesigning career-focused social channels. Full-scale profile management comprises a content structure, content calendar, ongoing community management and on-demand ad management.

Instead of instant recipes, employers must use a credible, meaningful, and brand-specific style and tone of voice in social media, focusing on long-term employer brand building. We strongly recommend going beyond the usual corporate career sites and providing fresh content from an expert’s perspective. Relevant, direct and compelling content allows for an excellent demonstration of employer value propositions. In addition to EVPs, you can communicate corporate values, culture, and benefits. And we can support brand awareness with targeted campaigns and messages, reaching broad audiences.


For employer branding

  • if employer brand and positive image building are priorities because of market entrance or expansion,
  • if your company has much more to say than it can communicate on its existing online platforms (e.g. due to complicated upgrades or high development costs)
  • if the company wants to communicate its message cost-effectively on as many platforms as possible,
  • if a subsidiary of an international company wants to communicate locally on its proprietary channels.

To support recruitment and employee retention targets

  • when the HR team wants to optimise its communication for the media consumption habits of potential candidates and approach them proactively,
  • when the company recognises that businesses are competing for talents (and not the other way around), and users must be approached on their preferred channels proactively (rather than waiting for them to start browsing your career site)
  • because social media channels are best suited to communicate benefits to candidates directly.


A significant advantage of social media is that it allows for complete freedom in content and format selection (in compliance with the corporate guidelines and rules, of course). On the other hand, you can benefit from reaching both active job seekers and passive candidates at a lower cost than any other advertising platform. Social media presence is not a question, but choosing the right channel can be a game changer as social media is expanding and new platforms are constantly emerging.

Facebook and Instagram are now indispensable platforms to target candidates. And for white-collar target groups, LinkedIn must also be included in the social media mix. And by publishing video content on YouTube or TikTok, you can generate an extensive reach.

To best support your employer branding objectives, we conduct expert audits and channel selection consulting, ensuring a proper focus and efficient use of resources.


Social media strategy and profile creation (one-off service)

  1. Social media strategy development: based on surveys and interviews, we define specific objectives, target audiences, measurement criteria and optimal communication platforms.
  2. Analysis of existing own social media platforms: we analyse the existing social strategy and operations (in accordance with the competitive analysis).
  3. Competitor analysis on social media: we assess the social communication of competitors in the respective industry.
  4. Building social media sites: we can build your social site even from step zero and help you create your advertising account.

Ongoing and comprehensive social media management (monthly-fee-based)

  1. Content development: We prepare a monthly content calendar from copies to visuals, based on current focus themes, objectives, customer needs, and EVPs.
  2. Community management: community building to support interaction and engagement, managing comments and questions, and moderation as required.
  3. Advertisement management: highlighting posts, design and implementation of awareness, traffic generation and conversion ad campaigns. We help our clients, from copywriting through creatives to ad optimisation. We present the results in monthly reports.


Social media presence is most effective when aligned and supported with all elements of the EB and communication strategy, reinforcing each other. Where EVPs are not yet defined or need updating, we recommend developing a comprehensive employer brand strategy as a first step.


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