For the CEO and the members of the Governing Council of an international bank’s major subsidiary, it was challenging to project credibility at English-speaking media appearances and to communicate their messages. They also found it challenging to make a positive impression on foreign journalists at interviews and informal conversations.
Since the participants of the training have never been to such a course it was important for them to gain the required theoretical knowledge and practical techniques.
During the two-day long, intensive media and public speaking training we helped the participants both in terms of their communicational style and their key-messages. At first we practiced improvisation techniques that could help the participants to handle a variety of situations with a more positive attitude and energy. Then we dealt with the characteristics of interviews, news sound bites, press conferences and the development and structuring of messages related to these situations. We did not only provide them the general personal analysis and feedback materials but also a detailed handout (booklet) and a short presentation about the Do’s and Don’ts of media communication (most important rules, guidelines, and possible pitfalls).
What did it require?