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Personal Branding for talents

Theoretical and practical support to a financial institution's talent program.

Personal Branding for talents


The local subsidiary of an international bank identified a lack of inspiration and assertiveness in the ranks of its talent program. Employees who were in the program were expected to be able to express themselves in an assertive way within the organization, while leaving a long-lasting, positive impression on the clients of the bank.


Our proposed solution was a personal branding training during which we dealt with fundamental aspects of career management. We also prepared the participants for situations which they were likely to face in the future (e.g. negotiation situations, brief introductory presentations, networking events). Due to the complex structure of the training, the participants not only found their motivation and experienced their personal strengths but also realized their possibilities (possible goals, key channels, and contacts). With the help of our actor-trainers, the talents had the chance to learn and develop new communicational techniques as well.

What did it require?

Communication experience: 40%
Involvement of actor-trainers: 40%
Assessment of organizational needs: 20%