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Media trainings

In what can we help?

These trainings are designed to help participants to learn about the components and the main challenges of media appearances. Throughout the training the participaints acquire skills that support their (and their organization’s) image in a positive and credible way.

How do we help?

We help to handle the stress caused by the media situation, so you will be able to communicate effectively

You will learn how to use the right expressions in various media situations: how to emphasize, use response techniques and form messages.

We’ll show you how to deliver a great press conference or give comments on issues.

Basic workshop

4 hours long

Main focus is preparing for a particular situation

Background material and support: video recording and theoretical booklet

We teach you how to prepare for media appearances and we also identify the difficulties you might face and show you techniques to deal with them


Advanced training

8 hours long

In addition to the preparation for a particular appearance we offer communicational skills development

Background material and support: video recording, theoretical booklet and personalized analysis

Besides of teaching you how to prepare for a media appearance, we also conduct a video analysis on your style of communication. Based on the results of this analysis we identify the most relevant areas of development and offer you practical support.


Complex training

16 hours long

Preparation for a broad range of media and public speaking events

Background material and support: video recording, theoretical booklet and personalized analysis

We prepare you for a wide range of media and public speaking situations. Whether you are a seasoned spokesperson or an executive without any prior media experience throughout the training you can gain experience in press conferences, news sound bites, and TV interviews. We provide tools and techniques that can help you to handle tough questions and to build rapport with your audience.