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Employer Branding Roadmap Planning Workshop


A structured solution plan – our response to the challenges

It’s a demanding situation when you have to mediate between the interests of many stakeholders in your daily work and develop new solutions for constantly changing challenges. If the focus is lost and project managers lag behind their tasks, it is time to stop for a moment and start strategic roadmap planning!

What trends are currently shaping the labour market? What is your priority in employer branding, and what serves your strategic goals or HR plans best? Should you build your yearly communication elements on each other or connect them in a loose matrix? What is the optimal ratio between internal communications to support retention and campaigns to boost recruitment? Do you need to consider any specifics? How many projects are just enough, and how many are really feasible?

We will find the answers to these questions in a workshop, leveraging the extensive professional experience of our EB consultants. In just two sessions, we aim to create your roadmap for the next period jointly – that is equally ambitious and realistic, trend-sensitive and company-specific.


To set directions and priorities

  • you have too many plans and projects, and your employer branding activities have lost focus,
  • changes in the team or expansion require a solid foundation to coordinate the work of employer branding professionals and internal stakeholders,
  • you are reaching a major corporate milestone in the coming year, which requires extra preparation (e.g., anniversary, staff expansion, change management project),
  • goals are changing, so it’s time for a more open approach, as outdated practices no longer serve current plans.

When planning requires an inspiring and fresh perspective

  • if the company wants to support existing internal communication or employer branding with new HR communication and EB solutions,
  • when planning needs an unbiased, external expert eye ,
  • when internal interests reconciliation or decision-making requires professional facilitation,
  • before budget planning.


The workshops will involve a small and relevant group of participants to explore the valid priorities among the company’s goals and ideas that can best help achieve them. Instead of random actions, we believe in detailed planning: our partners bring the data, and we bring the methodology, allowing us to find answers to persistent dilemmas or uncertainties jointly.

The elaborated action plan can catalyse implementation, and crystal-clear focal points will guide daily work throughout the year. We also support our clients to successfully utilise professional aspects when seeking the support or approval of decision-makers.


In a 2×4-hour workshop facilitated by a trainer and a consultant, we will develop your custom employer communication roadmap:

  1. During the first session, we will gather and structure all the inputs influencing the strategic roadmap development. Besides, we will sensitise the HR and Communication key players to improve their collaboration. Trends, objectives, target groups, stakeholders and mandatory programme elements – by the end of the 4-hour session, we will have a clear view of the roadmap’s fundamental principles.
  2. Based on the systematised inputs, the second session aims to define which communication activities must be in focus in the future, and we will also develop the optimal timing (typically) for an entire year. With effective employer branding in mind, we will create a realistic and relevant roadmap, building on the objectives and providing a clear guideline for the period ahead.

After establishing the focus points for the next period, we will also help with the implementation. Whether planning an external recruitment campaign or an internal activity to increase engagement, our creative expert pool can support you from conceptualisation to full implementation, ensuring efficient employer branding.

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